Expected Questions Related to Panchayat Raj

1. Which committee is known as ‘Committee on Panchayati Raj Institution’ ?
ANS  :  Ashok Mehta Committee

2. Which article states that State shall take necessary steps to organize village panchayat ?
ANS  :  40

3. What is the foundation of Panchayati Raj system ?
ANS  :  Gram Sabha

4. Who is known as the father of Panchayati Raj in India ?
ANS  :  Balwanth Rai

5. Nehru inaugurated Panchayati Raj System in Rajasthan on ?
ANS  :  2nd October 1959

6. Which is the first state in South India to introduce Panchayati Raj ?
ANS  :  Andhra Pradesh

7. The Panchayati Raj institutions in India are established as per
Constitutional directions of the ?
ANS  :  Directive Principles

8. At what level does a Panchayat Samiti operate a Panchayati Raj structure ?
ANS  :  Block level body

9. What is an important reason for revival of Panchayati Raj system in India ?
ANS  :  It helps participation of democratic bodies at the grass root level

10. Gram Sabha consists of ?
ANS  :  All the voters of the Village Panchayat

11. Panchayati Raj is ?
ANS  :  Administrative structure

12. The primary part of the three tier system of Panchayati Raj is ?
ANS  :  Village Panchayat

13. Every Village Panchayat is headed by a Sarpanch who is elected by ?
ANS  :  members of village Panchayat from among themselves

14. The Gram Panchayats are elected by Gram Sabhas consisting of ?
ANS  :  every citizen living in a village

15. The source of maximum income to Panchayati Raj institution is ?
ANS  :  Government grants

16. Election for the Pacnchayats is done by ?
ANS  :  secret ballot

17. The state in India has no Panchayati Raj institution at all ?
ANS  :  Nagaland

18. What is the apex of the three tier system of Panchayati Raj ?
ANS  :  Zila Parishad

19. The function of the Panchayat Samiti is to ?
ANS  :  Implement community ddevelopment project schemes

20. Holding of elections for the Panchayats is decided by ?
ANS  :  State Government

21. Mandal Panchayats were recommended by ?
ANS  :  Ashok Mehta Committee

22. Balwant raj Mehta Committee sugested that the structure of Panchayati Raj should cosist of ?
ANS  :  The village,the block and the district level

23. In the Constitutions, setting up of village panchayat mention under which article ?
ANS  :  Art 40

24. The historic Panchayati Raj Bill was adopted by the Parliament in 1992 as which amendment ?
ANS  :  73rd

25. The Panchayati Raj system was adopted for what purpose ?
ANS  :  Decentralise the power of democracy

26. Which is the highest body in the panchayati raj system ?
ANS  :  Zilla Panchayat

27. Block Panchayat is also known as ?
ANS  :  Panchayat Samiti

28. The tenure of Gram Panchayat and Nagarpalika shall be for ?
ANS  :  five years, unless dissolved earlier

29. Under Panchayat Raj system, the lowest unit is ?
ANS  :  Gram Sabha

30. The elections to Panchayats are to be held ?
ANS  :  every five years

31. What is the minimum age required to contest in elections to Panchayats ?
ANS  :  21 years

32. Which Articles contain provisions regarding Panchayat ?
ANS  :  Articles 243 to 243O

33. Which Part of the constitution contains provisions regarding Panchayats ?
ANS  :  Part IX

34. The powers and functions of Garam Sabha are provided by the law of the State Under which article ?
ANS  :  Article 243A

35. All the seats in a Panchayat shall be filled by persons chosen by direct election Under which article ?
ANS  :  Article 243C

36. As per which Article the Governor of the State constitutes Finance Commission once for every five years to review financial position of the Panchayats ?
ANS  :  Article 243 I

37. The maintenance of accounts and audit of accounts shall be as per the law of state Under which article ?
ANS  :  Article 243j

38. The provisions of which part also apply to Union Territories ?
ANS  :  Part IX

39. Panchayati Raj Act does not apply to the state of ………..?
ANS  :  Nagaland

40. The State Election Commission conducts elections to all panchayats. It consists State Election Commissioner appointed by the Governor Under which article ?
ANS  :  Article 243K


  1. I highly appreciate your efforts. thank you for being with us. God bless you sir


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